树莓派日记 - 安装 Ubuntu 20.04

树莓派开不开机了,身边暂时没有显示器,所以打算直接重装系统吧…… 记录以下装系统过程,方便以后再发生如此问题(希望不会)

树莓派安装 Ubuntu 的作用:

  1. 作为流媒体服务器学习音视频传输技术
  2. 搭建 Web 服务器学习 Nginx 原理
  3. 学习 Linux 基本操作和 Shell 脚本
  4. 尝试简单的内核级开发



  1. 树莓派 4b
  2. Micro SD 卡(32G ~ 128G 容量,Class 10 以上)
  3. SD 卡读卡器
  4. 个人计算机



What you’ll need

  • A Raspberry Pi 2, 3, or 4
  • A micro-USB power cable for the Pi 2 & 3, or a USB-C power cable for the Pi 4
  • A microSD card with the Ubuntu Server image
  • A monitor with an HDMI interface
  • An HDMI cable for the Pi 2 & 3 and a MicroHDMI cable for the Pi 4
  • A USB keyboard

Flash Ubuntu onto your microSD card

The first thing you need to do is take a minute to copy the Ubuntu image on to a microSD card by following our tutorials, we have one for Ubuntu machines, Windows machines and Macs.

Boot Ubuntu Server

  1. You need to attach a monitor and keyboard to the board. You can alternatively use a serial cable.
  2. Now insert the microSD card
  3. Plug the power adaptor into the board

Login to your Pi

When prompted to log in, use ubuntu for the username and the password. You will be asked to change this default password after you log in.

You are now running the Ubuntu Server on your Raspberry Pi.



Ubuntu 安装后默认使用官方源,服务器位于国外,网络环境较差,推荐更换国内阿里源:

$ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak_`date "+%y_%m_%d"`
$ sudo sed -i 's/http:\/\/ports.ubuntu.com/https:\/\/mirrors.aliyun.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade


$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev


$ # sudo apt-get install net-tools # 已启用,建议使用 iproute2
$ sudo apt-get install samba # 需要配置
$ sudo apt-get install lrzsz


$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-curses-gui
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev



安装 Nginx

详见:Nginx - 环境搭建


安装 ffmpeg

详见:树莓派日记 - 安装 ffmpeg

安装 SRS

详见:树莓派日记 - 安装 SRS
